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How To Break Free From A Business Rut That Is Killing Sales And Pushing Customers Away

ā€¨Running a business is no small feat. A business requires troubleshooting and overcoming obstacles in order to weather the storm. The challenges that businesses face every day are almost ongoing. Whether it involves a supply chain issue or dealing with inflated costs, there is always something new and interesting to deal with as a business owner. At times, even the most successful companies experience a decline in sales, customers, and profits. If not managed effectively, this can lead to the business hitting its peak and then steadily declining. According to Statistics Canada, only 51% of businesses survive beyond their first five years. [1]

What is a business rut?

A rut is when a business hits a prolonged period of stagnation and decline. It is characterized by a fall in sales and customer numbers, as well as profits, and is often caused by a lack of innovation and creativity. If a business can learn from its mistakes and implement changes as soon as they are picked up, it is much easier to break free of it.

Why businesses hit a rut

There are many reasons why businesses hit a rut. One common reason is a lack of innovation. As businesses grow, they often become more risk-averse and resistant to change. This can lead to stagnation, as the business fails to adapt to new markets and technologies. Additionally, businesses may hit a rut due to poor management. Poorly run businesses tend to be characterized by a lack of direction, communication problems, and internal conflict. Without strong leadership, businesses may flounder and struggle to achieve goals.

Businesses may also hit a rut due to financial difficulties. A business may be poorly capitalized, or it may make decisions that result in unsustainable losses. Whatever the cause, hitting a rut can be frustrating and difficult to overcome. However, with the right plan and execution, businesses can get back on track and reach new heights.

Solutions for leaving the business rut

It is not unusual for business owners to find themselves in a rut from time to time. With the demands of running a company, it can be easy to get caught up in the routine of day-to-day operations and forget about the bigger picture. But there are a few things that can be implemented to jump-start business creativity and get out of a business rut:

If the business marketing strategy is not working, it is imperative to troubleshoot it. A business needs to determine what their potential customers are attuned to, and find a way to get their feedback and implement it duly. This could be through poll and surveys and through using analytical tools to establish patterns in the way they shop in-store and online.

It is also crucial for businesses to take a close look at the competition and observe strategies that are resulting in successful outcomes for them. Utilizing a trend that reflects the brand ideology is a sure fire way to stay on trend as well as eliminate stagnancy.


A rut can be very damaging to a business if it is not dealt with proactively. No matter the challenge, it is essential to remember that solutions do exist. It may take some creativity and effort to find a tailored solution, but it is worth it in order to keep a company moving forward. At the end of the day, being a business owner is all about problem solving.


[1]The Top 5 Challenges New Small Businesses Face, Tracy McAllister, https://smallbusinessbc.ca/article/top-5-challenges-new-small-businesses-face/